Thursday, May 10, 2012

Potty Training: The First Week at Daycare

This was the big test!  From Thursday to Sunday, there were some diaper days, accidents and screaming struggles.  Daycare was VERY open to him potty training (it was actually her idea) and we thought, alright - this is perfect!  As for his week - it was awesome!  I think I only washed one pair of underwear and that was because he started in his gitchies and then finished on the potty.  My little man is also VERY stubborn and can hold it in for a LONG time.  We do give him lots of liquid, but he still holds it.  By the end of the week, he wasn't holding it for as long.  I can't even begin to tell you how proud of my little guy I am and how happy I am that we have such a great daycare provider!  This wouldn't have been possible without her.

Also this week, we bought some training pants at Walmart because they are easier to pull up and down than a diaper is.  These are used when we leave the house, like when my daughter has gymnastics or we go shopping or something like that.  He has yet to pee in one yet, so that is another great step in the right direction!

As for #2, he has usually been going in the AM before we get in there to get him or at nap before we get him.  This is normal for him though.  HOWEVER, he has succeeded going poo on the potty three times since we started and had only one accident in his gitchies.  So 3/4 ain't bad!

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