Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Clothespin Magnets

Original Post: One Artsy Mama

Our Story:
This project is really only halfway finished, but I wanted to share it with you anyways because even halfway finished, it's a fabulous idea.  It just doesn't look as pretty as I had wanted.  On our fridge we have a TON of pictures - as I'm sure many other people do.  For Christmas a couple years ago, my auntie bought me these magnetic frames to use on the fridge!  I loved them!

However, they took up a lot of space, as handy as they were, so when I saw THIS idea I couldn't help but fall in love with how little space it took up on the fridge.  I went to Walmart and bought some magnetic strips with sticky on the back.  I already had some clothespins leftover from other projects and it was as simple as that.  Stick the magnets onto the clothespins and voila!  I want my daughter actually to decorate the clothespins, we just haven't remembered to do it.  You could also spend the time to put fabric or ribbon on it, too, but I don't have that kind of time.  I just like that they are small, simple and can hold more than one picture. However, I wouldn't go more than two.

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